Alette Moon
About Alette Moon
If in the last 22 years you believe Yanks has been missing a native SoCal witch, the wait is over. Enter, Alette Moon. She is Cali born and bred and you would be hard pressed to miss those vibes. She is spiritual and strong. So strong, that when she says she like to pick up men at bars, she means she literally likes lifting up guys at bars. She squats 190lbs! (86kg). Not shocking when you see her legs. Alette is a girl with a plan, her self-care routine, mind and body, is epic. This girl is balanced in a way that makes her so effing hott!
Vital Stats:
- Age: 31
- Height: 5'4
- Hometown: Southern California
- Hobbies: Spending time in nature, exercise, travel, writing poetry, hula hooping
- Astrological Sign: Scorpio
- Sexual Orientation: Bi-sexual
- Eye Color: Brown
- Hair Color: Brown
- Favorite Movie: Any Disney movie
- Favorite Book: Notes to Myself
- Three Celebrities She Would Fuck: Leonardo Di Caprio, Michael B. Jordan, Keanu Reeves